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Amber Stiles

Amber Stiles photo Amber Stiles

NASM certified Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Fuse StrikeFit Coach, Amber Stiles, is a key part of our Team with her many years of martial arts and fitness experience. Holding a Black Belt in Taekwondo and over 3500 recorded hours of client training, Amber provides her clients and Fuse members with a dynamic and effective approach to attaining their fitness goals.  Her experience and comfortability with properly working through disabilities and injuries makes Amber an incredibly valuable asset on our training floor.  As a student herself of our Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu programs and an active competitor in Women’s Natural Bodybuilding, Amber understands both sides of our business, constantly expanding her knowledge and offerings to our many members and clients. Her mission now as a professional Coach is to show others how to reach their true potential and capabilities as her ever-growing passion is to help others achieve their goals and love themselves as she has done for herself. You can train with Amber in our StrikeFit fitness kickboxing classes or in a private setting one-on-one on our gym training floor. Message us to schedule your consultation with Amber TODAY!



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